About Pastor Ali Abbassi

 On Staff Since: 2008

Favorite Bible Verses: John 16:33, Deuteronomy 31:6.

Ministry Oversight: Children’s Pastor


“Well Jesus did not appear to me personally to give me my calling, I did not hear an audible voice calling me nor was there a word of prophecy or confirmation. I did not have a dream and it was not through reading the bible. It was an inner convection that pushed me to love, serve and seek GOD. It was an inner voice that just compelled me to obey. To just do whatever GOD put in my hands or in front of me and not to be concerned weather I could do it not or weather I wanted to do it or not, but rather just put my hands to the plow and let the Lord have His way. I made may mistakes along the way and still do. But He was never impatient with me or loose His temper and yell at me, but rather just redirected me to give Him my best. It was in that process that GOD eventually as only GOD can, made ministry the only thing in front of me.” - Pastor Ali Abbassi