Love God, Love People, Make Disciples

The greatest gift received through salvation is the ability to have a close, dependent relationship with God. Discipleship is God’s design for learning how to become one with Christ and how to live a life that glorifies Him.
— Craig Caster

What is discipleship?

As disciples of Christ, we desire to teach and to learn more of Him so that we can become more like Him. We aim to create opportunities for you to do the same. Whether you need one-on-one discipleship or would be interested in one of our discipleship groups, let us know what you need so that we may help plug you in!

Active Discipleship Groups

If you are interested in joining a discipleship group or would like to reach out regarding one-on-one discipleship, fill out the form below!

Our Curriculum

Foundations workbook

This devotional workbook is a guide through the discipleship process for those who are being discipled or discipling others.

Parenting Workbook

This 4 book series digs into the God-given parental roles to love, nurture, and train children in the way they should go. It will help guide parents who may not have had good examples, and will provide the biblical principles and truths that give clarity to God’s will and purpose for parenting.

Marriage Work

This 5 book series digs into the God-given roles of a husband and wife, explores the blessings God intended for marraige, and provides specific examples of how spouses are to minister to each other.

You can also pick up all these books and more from the church library or from our connection counter.