Baptism is one of the two sacraments that Jesus commanded us to follow until He returns. Baptism is the public identification of our new life in Christ. The Bible tells us to believe and be baptized. So, in obedience to Christ, we baptize believers in water.
We do not believe that the Bible teaches that you have to be baptized to be saved. Rather, we believe the Bible tells us to be baptized because we are saved (Acts 2:38). Therefore, we baptize as Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Baptisms are held on the 1st Sunday night of each month. Our baptismal is in the stage and we baptize during the time of worship.
The Bible instructs us to dedicate our children to the Lord. By dedication, we mean that the child is presented before the church and prayed for by the pastor. Jesus was presented to the Lord in the temple, and we follow His example (Luke 2:22-28).
As parents, we present our child, declaring that we are going to raise him or her in the Lord. We ask the church to help us by praying for our children and for our commitment to be godly parents. Dedication is not baptism. It is simply presenting our child to be prayed for and blessed by the pastor and the church.
Life can be difficult, and sometimes we don't know where to turn. Most spiritual growth happens on a "need to know, need to grow" basis. We would love to come alongside you and help you by providing prayer and Biblical counseling to better understand what God's Word says about your current situation and to help you find practical ways to become the person that God designed you to be. Contact us at: (530) 527-8219.