CCRB Office Hours:
Monday: 9-4 Tuesday: 9-4 Wednesday: Closed Thursday: 9-4 Friday: Closed
Please note that our hours may change with the holiday season.
Ongoing Opportunities and Events:
Ministry Conference March 4th
Calling all ministry leaders, servants and anyone interested in serving, come to the CCRB ministry conference. Where we will learn more of Gods calling on all christians, the vision for this church and how to be better equipped to serve and disciple here at CCRB.
Traducción Española/Spanish Translation
Si desea una traducción al español durante el segundo servicio (11 am) o el servicio del miércoles por la noche (6:45pm), envíe un correo electrónico a!
If you would like Spanish Translation during second service (11 am) or Wednesday evening service (6:45 pm), email!
KNKJ Radio Station: 92.5!
Calvary Chapel Red Bluff has it’s own radio station! Tune in to 92.5!
Interested in serving at CCRB?
Call 530-527-8219 to see the needs!
Fill out the Servant Application above and let us know exactly what you would like to be a part of!!