“We are a God-centered church that studies the Bible together chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Our desire is for you to become a disciple of Jesus Christ who loves God, loves people, and makes disciples.”
— Pastor Greg Phelps

Pastor Greg Phelps

Senior Pastor Greg Phelps has been attending and serving at CCRB since 1999. His favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6.

“I felt the Lord prompting me to serve the youth. He gave me a heart to see them grow in their walk and as I served God kept equipping me and calling me to serve Him in a greater capacity. I never felt qualified, but God made it clear He just wanted me to be faithful in serving Him.”

-Greg Phelps

Pastor Ali Abbassi

Pastor Ali Abbassi is our children’s ministry pastor and has been serving and attending CCRB since 2008. His favorite Bible verses are John 16:33, Deuteronomy 31:6.

“Well Jesus did not appear to me personally to give me my calling, I did not hear an audible voice calling me nor was there a word of prophecy or confirmation. I did not have a dream and it was not through reading the bible. It was an inner convection that pushed me to love, serve and seek GOD. It was a inner voice that just compelled me to obey. To just do whatever GOD put in my hands or in front of me and not to be concerned weather I could do it not or weather I wanted to do it or not, but rather just put my hands to the plow and let the Lord have His way. I made may mistakes along the way and still do. But He was never impatient with me or loose His temper and yell at me, but rather just redirected me to give Him my best. It was in that process that GOD eventually as only GOD can, made ministry the only thing in front of me.”

 -Pastor Ali Abbassi

Pastor Rob Mcfarlen

Pastor Rob Mcfarlen is the assistant pastor and has been attending and serving at at CCRB since 2014. His favorite verses are Matthew 4:4 and Ezekiel 36:25-27.

“As you may know, I haven’t been in the official ministry for very long.  April of 2020 Pastor Greg put out to the board that we needed an administrative pastor. I felt the Lord nudge me right then and there, my stomach jumped, I started sweating, I was scared.  Then the Lord showed me several jobs here at the church that needed to be done.  So, I increased my time to accomplish them.  The more time I spent the more I saw.  So, I started asking the Lord why He was showing me these things?  And his answer was follow me. I said, Lord, I am following you.  He said, NO, F O L L O W ME.  I said, come on Lord, you know I love you and I am following you.  And besides that, I already have a job.  And Lord you already know, I don’t read well, I don’t speak well, I haven’t been to bible college… Then the Spirit of the Lord said, text Greg and tell him you are willing.  I thought maybe that was all I needed to do, then it might go away.  After arguing with the Lord for several weeks,  I texted with Greg, and we had dinner.  His excitement was scary to me.  We all decided to pray. Melody, Myself, Norma, Greg, my daughter Lauren, her husband Levi, my daughter Beth, and her husband Joe, along with a few friends.  June 2020 passed, and I thought whew, glad that’s over.  July 2020 arrived, and it started all over again.  Then August 2020, and a total repeat. So, we announced the position to the board, and the rest of the Pastoral staff, and they began to pray.  September 2020 came, and Melody decided to give notice at our current job. One of my friends started calling me Jonah.  (I had told him too much). October 2020 came and I gave in and decided to follow Jesus with everything.   I gave 3 months’ notice, took a month off, and here we are today!    I waited on the Lord, BUT that doesn’t mean I always do what is right, but this was a huge decision in my life.  We are 2 years in as of Feb 1st 2023 and it has been a scary ride.  But what I can say is, I’m willing with all my heart.”

-Pastor Rob Mcfarlen

Pastor Robert Kovacs

Pastor Robert Kovacs is the worship pastor here at CCRB and has been attending and serving here since September 2021. His favorite Bible passage is Psalm 1.

“Ever since I was in high school, I knew church ministry (and especially worship ministry) would be a part of my life in one way or another. Throughout my college years and the years following, I was heavily involved in worship ministry at the churches I attended. However, during that time I was convinced I didn't want to go into full time church ministry (every pastor's famous last words...). Following my wedding, my wife and I were in a very transitional time in our lives. About three months later, CCRB reached out to see if I'd be interested in taking a full time position as Worship Pastor. We agreed to visit, and it was very clear this was the place God wanted us to be. I simply want to be faithful in the places God has called me to, and right now this is that place.”

-Pastor Robert Kovacs

Pastor Justin Morris

Pastor Justin Morris is the Wednesday teaching pastor at CCRB and has been attending and serving since 2019. His favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11.

“I knew I was gonna be a pastor when I was in high school and the Lord showed me clearly that I was called into ministry.”

-Pastor Justin Morris

Contact Info:

Phone: 530-527-8219

Email: info@calvaryrb.com

Office Hours:

  • Monday: 9am-4pm

  • Tuesday: 9am-4pm

  • Wednesday: Closed

  • Thursday: 9am-4pm

  • Friday: Closed